Most common cause hair loss

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Androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause

Androgenetic alopecia is hair loss associated with age and varies from person to person depending on genetic factors. In men, androgenetic alopecia baldness begins with the troughs or gulfs temporal, followed by a decline in the hairline. In other cases, the top of the head is balding, little by little and tonsure appears.

Hair loss is progressive and gets worse in stages. It meets the sides and the area of ​​the neck. The scalp is normal. In addition, the hair tends to be refined. Women are not spared and it is estimated that approximately 10-20% of them suffer from androgenetic alopecia.

Women are increasingly affected by this problem, without anyone to know exactly the cause. This increase may be related to androgenic activity of some oral contraceptives. Stress may also play a role in this increase, women with a way of life more stressful than before. The method of baldness is different in women, hair loss is more diffuse, affecting especially the top of the head.

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